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Kate Ling, Librarian and YA Author

Primarily a librarian and a published writer for young adults, but years of experience of wearing many hats at UK and international schools means that I have a lot to offer! Resources on: IB Diploma Extended Essay, Study Skills, Research Skills, Creative Writing, Student Council, Reading/Library lists, Book Club Discussion Points, Applying to University, Personal Statements and more.

Primarily a librarian and a published writer for young adults, but years of experience of wearing many hats at UK and international schools means that I have a lot to offer! Resources on: IB Diploma Extended Essay, Study Skills, Research Skills, Creative Writing, Student Council, Reading/Library lists, Book Club Discussion Points, Applying to University, Personal Statements and more.
University Fair Research

University Fair Research

Sixth Form, Year 12, Year 13 - whatever you might call them - often find themselves at university or higher education fairs (virtual or otherwise) and miss a valuable opportunity to research their university options, as they are simply unsure what to ask. This worksheet takes the nerves away by making sure they always have something to ask. Print 5 copies per student and task them with getting them all filled in. They can then feed back their research to other students in a tutor period after the fair.
The Perfect Personal Statement

The Perfect Personal Statement

Perfectly tailored to UCAS, but applicable to all university applications, or even to CVs, this worksheet prompts Year 12, Year 13, Sixth Formers to complete a perfectly structured personal statement that showcases their skills, experience and knowledge.